Rain's Last Word

Painting: Sonja Rosing

Painting: Sonja Rosing


In Lamson woods
I cross paths
with a man hunched

under a neon
green umbrella.
It is raining

through the bare
canopy of trees.
Only a few birds’ nests

break the outpour
of drops. The man
with the umbrella

greets me
by barely lifting
his eyes & one

of his fingers.
Some leaves twirl
down around us:

decay & beauty.
Air shreds
shadow into mist.

Words of a poem
drop into my mind,
then scatter

like leaves.
The sky prays
cloud hymns.

A few stiff pines
are thinking
nor dancing nor

waving their arms.
The man with
the green umbrella

is a memory
in time. Rain falls
& holds

no grudge,
expressing no
grief as it cries.


Included in audio format in TelePoem Booth, Iowa
at PACE, Pottawattamie Arts, Culture and Entertainment Center, Council Bluffs, Iowa